Quickvend by Quickgrind – Tooling Management and Vendor Managed Inventory

Detailed Specification

24/7 control of your tooling inventory!

Is your tooling inventory reduced to a minimum? Is it secure? Are your re-stocking orders generated automatically and on time? Do you want to reduce your tool purchase administration costs? Quickgrind’s robust, proven tool management solutions are the answer to all these issues and more. Once we have analysed your tooling requirements and consumption levels, we will supply you with a fully stocked machine(our machines can hold from 528 to 1,680+ individual tools).Usage and stock levels are then automatically monitored and replacement tools sent before your stock runs out.And because your tooling inventory and usage levels are pre-determined, you regain complete control of your purchase administration time, and costs – to as little as one purchase order and one invoice per month.Save time, save money… take control of your tooling with Quickgrind.


  • 24/7secure access
  • Allows minimum stockholding
  • Automatic re-ordering
  • User-friendly operation
  • Tailor access to specific users
  • Easy access to stock information and statistics
  • Audit your tooling stock at the push of a button
  • Suitable for new and remanufactured tools
  • Stocks a wide range of tool types and sizes, and for high or low stock turnover
  • Reduces purchase administration costs

Read more on why you should consider tool management and vending here.

How does it work?

  • Firstly, operatives identify themselves to the machine either by tapping their personalised smartcard on the built-in wireless reader, entering a PIN code, or for added security both a PIN code and card.
  • Next, tooling is selected using the full colour touchscreen, much like you would do when navigating through a smartphone to make an online purchase.
  • Information on the tool is included to help the user make the right selection for their application.
  • Finally, the tool is dispensed in its own telescopic container to eliminate both the risk of injury to the operator and damage to the tool.
  • That’s it. It’s simple, secure and safe, and the whole process only takes a couple of minutes.

Advantages of QuickVend solutions

  • High security – single item issue cannot be bypassed
  • High density of product capability within small footprint
  • Relatively low cost enables true point-of-use, multiple machine locations
  • Easy to install and easily repositioned(requires little site preparation)
  • Individual 4-point height adjustment to accommodate uneven surfaces
  • Easily configured to suit new and remanufactured tooling
  • Instant FIFO (first in-first out) optimises shelf life and stock rotation
  • No fractious on-board PC’s or easily damaged touchscreens
  • Fast replenishment as all locations are accessed by single door
  • Ease of product access in case of power failure –ie: single key-lockable door allows access to all products
  • Concise reporting on Who, Where, WhatWhen, and How Many
  • Low maintenance and support costs (first year included)
  • Simple tool delivery system via reliable and robust hardware
  • Short lead-times for machine acquisition and installation

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