How did this one investment make their business so successful?
This CNC EDM drill from Eurospark runs unattended while these guys work on other jobs!! Lyndsey…
AW Precision believe the consistency and accuracy from the Joemars sink EDM is second to none! Colin Griffiths from MTDCNC interviews Andy Whitworth from AW Precision to find out more about the UK-based subcontractor’s investment in Joemars. The Eurospark sink EDM has replaced two of their machines that were 50 years old and offers great cycle times for the products manufactured by AW Precision. Andy says the entry-level, cost-effective machine is quick and easy to use, control, and set up. He also explains why AW Precision use sink EDM instead of five axis on components and what benefits they get from the process, including 0.1 micron accuracy. AW Precision manufacture precision-made components used within the stamping industry and supply products to automotive, defense, nuclear, and oil and gas sectors. As part of their investment program, AW Precision have new machines coming in all the time and currently house over 200 machines in their shop. Watch the video to know more about the Eurospark sink EDM and how it makes for an excellent investment at AW Precision.
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