Kyal Machine Tools Limted
You've looked at the possible machine tool vendors, narrowed down your option based around specific components and production parameters – but is that everything you need to know? At the moment, the UK machine tool industry is a hive of activity. The UK industry has new and longstanding machine tool vendors that carry a whole raft of high specification machines from around the world that are updated frequently. To find out a little more about one of the UK's leading machine tool vendors, we went to Kyal Machine Tools to find out a little more about the company… Our very own roving reporter went along to speak with Kyal Machine Tools Managing Director, Mr Simon Pollard. Here's what we found out from Mr Pollard: "Kyal Machine Tools was formed in 1985 and my wife Hilary and I bought the business in August 2 6 with the aim of taking the existing product lines and expanding the product base, so we could grow the business." Eluding to the product lines almost 1 years after the Pollard family purchased the business, Mr Pollard continues: "We now supply machines from WFL Millturn Technologies; Weiler MDI lathes; Hembrug supplying micron turning machines; Famar that produce vertical lathes for the automotive sector with higher volume production and Willemin Macodel high precision millturn centres for high speed 3 and 5-axis machining. The primary sectors that we supply to are the aerospace, oil & gas, energy, automotive, defence, medical and also precision markets. Across these markets we have specific machines and solutions ideal for the needs of the specified industry sectors." Discussing what makes Kyal different from its competitors, Mr Pollard continues: "Kyal as a business is designed to supply machinery for complex component manufacture. We are all about high value technical solutions to enable economic production of complex parts. Our team at Kyal have six staff and is very well supported by each of the individual machine tool suppliers to ensure we provide exceptional levels of service and support. By combining our in-house expertise with the support and technical excellence provided by our suppliers and their machine tools, we have an exceptional team that can supply the desired production solution."