At Southern Manufacturing, 1st MTA show off a new modular vice system unlike anything else!

“A flexible and modular zero-point system keeping repeatability and accuracy right at the forefront!”

Workholding is one of the main things you need to make your part – and 1st MTA are workholding specialists that can help you choose the right solution for almost any kind of problem! MTDCNC’s Tom Skubala meets Lee Toshack of 1st MTA to learn about a fully modular and submersible zero-point system that can be used for 3-axis, 4-axis, and 5-axis machining, used on wire or spark EDM machines, and even for inspection. If you’re on the hunt for a workholding solution suitable for all sorts of industries and applications, check out 1st MTA’s flexible and precise zero-point clamping system with SINCO.

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