Leader CNC Technologies Present Gruppo Parpas Machine Tools

Gio and Tom, from MTDCNC, are at AMB 2022 in Germany on the Gruppo Parpas stand. Tom quizzes Gio on the giant Speedliner 5 Axis bridge construction gantry mill. With 6M in “X”, 3.2M in “Y” and 1.4M in “Z” this beast of a machine has a volumetric accuracy of 40 microns within that working envelop. A full five axis head with an HSK 63 spindle, (options available to go up to HSK100), driven by a Heidenhain 640 control with option for Siemens controls if requested. The tool changer which is on the side of the machine can hold up to an incredible 400 tools. These machines have a unique thermal stability control system ensuring they stay between 18-30 degrees to maintain high accuracy. The Gruppo Parpas Patented Dronex system allows you check the geometry and squareness of the machine in a dynamic way, taking only a couple of minutes to complete, saving huge amounts of machine downtime and maintaining accuracy. But this is only one machine from an enormous range from Gruppo Parpas, available in the UK from Leader CNC Technologies. Call them now to find out more about the entire range.

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