Formed in 1964, NCMT operates from three strategically located sites in the North, Midlands and South of England. We deliver high technology engineering solutions for metalcutting and grinding applications in the UK and across Europe, from stand-alone machines to complete production lines involving a high degree of automation. NCMT tends to specialise in the more demanding fields of engineering that are avoided by companies that just deliver a machine tool and little else. We pride ourselves on our technical competence, innovative production solutions and reliable technology, based on some of the best machine tool platforms available anywhere the world. Our own agency ranges of toolsetting, tooling, workholding and shop floor diagnostic products often form part of the turnkey systems we supply. Our business is all about satisfying customer demand, so responsive engineering support, training and back-up forms a core part of the NCMT service, from pre-sales through installation and commissioning and for the lifetime of the installation. In 2 6, Makino-NCMT Grinding Division was established to market Makino machines configured for VIPER grinding of nickel alloys throughout the whole of Europe, principally within the aerospace and power generation industries, but also in the motorsport and medical sectors.