Tebis CAD/CAM for Trimming

Detailed Specification

Tebis lets you quickly and automatically calculate reliable 2 to 5-axis trim paths for machining vacuum-formed plastic and carbon and glass fiber-reinforced plastic parts – offline, without extensive programming and with no teach-in. We put your machines on track with virtual teaching: You benefit from Tebis’ typical tight intermeshing of CAD and CAM.

Trimming with Tebis increases your bottom line for manufacturing:

  • Cost-effective manufacturing of plastic parts
  • Shorter try-out phases in die manufacturing
  • Integrate your own expertise and interactive dialog-based calculation of trim paths
  • Use Tebis CAD functions and generate both curves and surfaces
  • Greater reliability with collision monitoring
  • Rapidly integrate modifications and versioning
  • Design fixtures with just a few mouse clicks

Get in touch with the team today to arrange a demonstration! Simply click here and fill out the form. We will be happy to help you.

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