Matsuura H.Plus-405 available from stock
Possessing a 500mm2 pallet, the BT40 Matsuura H.Plus-405 possesses and extols all the productivity enhancing virtues of…
With a built-in Y axis, the MT100 allows for greater precision on complex parts. The MT100 is designed such that each turret can serve either spindle at any time, a feature that makes it highly productive and ultra-versatile. This feature makes it a great option for customers seeking a multi-tasking, twin spindle turning machine.
Like all machines in the MT Series, the MT100 is built with twin opposing spindles and is designed to turn complex parts that require more tooling stations. What makes the MT100 unique, however, is its upper and lower turrets. This allows it the flexibility to manage two tools in a single cut, while also reducing cycle time. The MT100 is a compact, high-quality turning center, with multi-functional capabilities.
For more information contact Matsuura in the UK
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