HYDRAFEED now offering sliding head lathe bar feed option
HYDRAFEED have since long focused on fixed head type machines – and at EMO 2023, HYDRAFEED’s…
Curious about how to optimise your milling processes? Chloe Reeve from MTDCNC speaks with Frederik Amerijckx from RoboJob to discuss the upgraded RoboJob Mill-Assist, now available in the UK from Hydrafeed Limited. The big news? It now comes with a vice loading option, making workpiece and workholding changes a breeze.
Ready to take your milling to the next level? Watch the video to learn all about the cutting-edge features and easy ‘configuration’—it’s so straightforward, they don’t even call it programming!
Check out the video to learn more. Feel free to subscribe for more updates.
#RoboJob #MillAssist #MillingTechnology
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