Did you know this software comes free on all their machines?
Partners Kitamura and FactoryWiz want to give customers a taste of machine monitoring software – and…
Paul Crawley from Phillips Precision Medicraft tells us why they invested in FactoryWiz production monitoring software and how it’s improving their manufacturing processes. With the resent installation of 6 Kitamura cells Phillips Precision needed to be sure they were maximising their full potential and with the help of FactoryWiz using real time data they have achieved this. Working closely with the outstanding support team from FactoryWiz they are able to tailor their software to suit Phillips Precision needs. As MTDCNC’s Tony Gunn discovers the software allows Phillips precision to put in place the best processes to make the best parts in the most efficient way possible. A great partnership between the two companies can only see both prosper & grow.
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