ANCA最新技術のご紹介:JIMTOF 2024で50周年を祝福
ANCAは今年50周年を迎え、JIMTOF 2024で最新の技術を披露します。注目の展示品には、新機種FX7 Ultraをはじめ、ユーザー目線で設計されたToolroom RN35、そして進化したAIMS Connectシステムが含まれています。これらの革新技術は、ハードウェアとソフトウェアを統合し
Gear power skiving is revolutionising the gear manufacturing process, it is 5~10 times more efficient than shaping, more flexible than broaching, can produce both internal gear and external gear. In 2019, there are twice as many companies looking to invest in new skiving equipment than in 2018. The rising popularity of skiving has caused a surge in demand for skiving cutters. Responding to the market, #ANCA brings a complete solution for manufacturing and sharpening skiving cutters as part of a comprehensive gear cutting tool package. The GCX Linear will set the new benchmark for skiving cutter grinding. Adapted from ANCA’s proven top-of-the-range CNC grinder platform, the GCX Linear adds tailored features to finish all operations for skiving cutters and shaper cutters in a single setup.
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