Renishaw Joins Additive Manufacturing Coalition to Advocate for U.S. Policymakers!

Renishaw has become a member of the U.S.-based Additive Manufacturing Coalition to support the group’s mission of educating key decision-makers, stakeholders, and the public about the advantages of additive manufacturing (AM). As part of this initiative, Renishaw will collaborate with federal policymakers to highlight the role of AM in critical areas such as national security, health, information security, and manufacturing.

The primary goal of the AM Coalition is to influence public policy that promotes the use of AM technology in addressing national economic and security needs. By joining the coalition, Renishaw will engage in efforts to inform policymakers in Congress and federal agencies about the transformative potential of AM.

Renishaw will also take part in quarterly member-only roundtables, participate in advocacy campaigns, and contribute to shaping the coalition’s public forums. The AM Coalition has prioritized the promotion of AM as a solution for environmental sustainability, and it also helps its members navigate legislative and funding challenges.

John Laureto, Renishaw’s AM business manager for the Americas, emphasized the importance of the coalition’s work, stating, “As a member, we will help drive AM use to improve economic prosperity and national security.”

Renishaw is recognized for its laser powder bed fusion systems, which aid manufacturers in industries such as industrial and health care to create optimized processes and high-quality end-use parts.

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