Praveen Hosur Appointed as CEO of WEISS India!

Praveen Hosur has been appointed as the new CEO of WEISS India, taking charge of the company’s strategic growth and operations in the region. With extensive experience in sales and customer service, Hosur is poised to lead the Pune-based subsidiary to greater heights, furthering its footprint in the Indian market.

WEISS, a global leader in automation technology, has been steadily expanding its presence in India since 2020. The company’s Solution Factory in Pune plays a pivotal role in assembling and customizing key automation systems, such as linear transfer systems and rotary indexing tables, tailored to meet local and international demands. This facility has enabled WEISS India to serve industries with cutting-edge solutions that boost efficiency and productivity.

Under Hosur’s leadership, the company will focus on expanding its core business by leveraging its established framework and further enhancing customer relationships. With an emphasis on innovation and client-focused solutions, Hosur aims to position WEISS India as a driving force in the automation sector, meeting the growing demand for advanced manufacturing technologies.

Uwe Weiss, owner and CEO of WEISS GmbH, expressed strong confidence in Hosur’s leadership abilities, highlighting his expertise in customer service and sales as key drivers for future growth. With Hosur at the helm, WEISS India is expected to continue its trajectory of success, delivering innovative solutions and maintaining its commitment to operational excellence across the region.

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