GEFERTEC Arc80X Series: Expanding Boundaries in 3D Metal Printing

Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) is gaining traction across diverse applications, and GEFERTEC is at the forefront of this revolution with its latest arc80X series. This new generation of machines caters to the growing demand for larger parts production with WAAM technology.

Enhanced Capabilities and Automation

GEFERTEC’s arc80X series features CNC-controlled linear axis systems, ensuring precise and stable printing processes throughout the extended assembly space. With assembly spaces of up to 2 x 2 x 2 m in the 3-axis version and the ability to print parts weighing up to eight tons, these machines push the boundaries of size and scale. The 5-axis version enables printing of parts with a diameter of up to 0.9 m and a height of up to 1.4 m. Additionally, these machines offer increased automation, streamlining production processes and reducing the need for manual intervention. Automated functions include tool measurement, gas nozzle cleaning, wire cutting, and wear parts replacement.

Advanced Process Monitoring for Quality Assurance

The new machine generation excels in refined process monitoring, ensuring optimal part quality. A comprehensive process monitor records and stores vital data during printing, facilitating thorough documentation for quality assurance and process optimization. Integrated pyrometers measure part temperature, coupled with active component cooling, further enhancing part quality. An optional inert gas box enables printing in a closed atmosphere, accommodating sensitive materials like titanium.

Process Expertise as a Service

Recognizing the barriers to entry for many potential users, GEFERTEC offers a comprehensive service package to support customers in adopting WAAM technology. Their team of process technicians and CAM engineers provides expertise in transitioning to arc machines, including parts screening for technical feasibility and efficiency optimization. GEFERTEC’s support extends to qualification processes, empowering customers to leverage WAAM technology without in-house expertise.

Continuing Advantages and Industrial Applications

The arc80X series retains the core benefits of its predecessors, offering a complete production system based on the WAAM process. Leveraging metal inert gas welding for additive manufacturing, these machines integrate special CAM software and Sinumerik control architecture for efficient operation. With high build rates and cost-effective wire material, they find extensive use in industrial applications such as turbine component mass production in the energy sector.

GEFERTEC’s arc80X series represents a leap forward in 3D metal printing, providing advanced capabilities, automation, and support services to meet the evolving needs of manufacturers across industries.

Original source Industry Europe

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