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Tony Gunn of MTDCNC is at JIMTOF with the experts of YASDA to find out about their latest machine technology and how it can help customers achieve micron accuracy and mirror finishes. YASDA’s new YBMVi50 5-axis vertical machine targets the market for big die cast, die & mould, aerospace, and semiconductor parts. The machine allows customers to reduce the overall tool length, providing rigidity and depth of cut on softer materials like aluminium to create lighter and robust parts. YASDA have introduced a new design and added technologies to achieve the same accuracies on small and large machines. With multiple strategies and processes to give the customer exactly what they need, there’s no more secondary operations to get those mirror finishes and accuracies within 4 microns. Through YASDA’s exclusive distributor, Methods Machine Tools, customers can get the perfect automation solutions depending on their requirements, saving both time and money. Find out more about the latest technology from YASDA and their new PX30i precision machining center that allows you to start unmanned operations as soon as the machine is installed!
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