Over twenty-five years of partnership for these global tech leaders
Automation, multitasking, and one-hit machining – that’s where Nakamura-Tome and Engineering Technology group are innovating together…
This is not your typical open house sale – it’s an opportunity to educate yourself and get the most out of your EDM machines.
Engineering Technology Group believe education is the least expensive investment with the highest long-term return – and that’s why they’ve hosted the Mitsubishi EDM event to help visitors learn what they don’t know and get far more out of their machine tools!
How did customers benefit from learning the fundamentals of sparking technology? Let’s find out from Scott Elsmere of Engineering Technology Group, Finlay Bellerby of Accrofab, Paul McDermott of MJ Toolmakers, Manuela Franzl of Easymetal, and Vitali Klamm of Mitsubishi Electric.
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