Quick installation and virtually no maintenance mist system

Are you looking for a quick and efficient solution to your machine shop’s oil and mist problems? Aeroex filtration units can be added to pretty much any machine in the industry! Join Tony Gunn of MTDCNC and Erik Goglidze of Aeroex Technologies at Elliott Matsuura to discover the simplicity of Aeroex Mist-Fit – a fantastic technology that provides better air quality in machine shops. With easy installation and little to no maintenance, the modular Mist-Fit can be installed in less than 30 minutes – by literally anyone on the team! The adaptability and excellent service from Aeroex Technologies save you from dusty, oily shops so you can breathe in a clean, healthy work environment. Check out www.Aeroex.com and find out more about Mist-Fit integration with Matsuuras, Nakamuras, ROBODRILLs, and more.

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