I didn’t realise you could do that with a ROBODRILL

Andrew Harvey from FANUC UK spoke with Tom from MTDCNC about one of the latest advancements in the FANUC ROBODRILL. The updated ROBODRILL is now equipped to perform both milling and turning, providing machinists with the capability for one-hit machining and eliminating the need for multiple processes in the machine shop.

In this practical and detailed interview, Andrew explained how the enhanced ROBODRILL machine delivers exceptional performance in both milling and turning operations. The integration of these functions into a single machine allows for more efficient workflows, reducing the time and costs associated with moving workpieces between different machines.

Andrew highlighted how this advancement meets the needs of modern manufacturers by offering greater versatility and precision. The ROBODRILL’s ability to handle complex tasks in a single setup not only increases productivity but also improves overall operational efficiency.

This hands-on demonstration at MACH 2024 showcased the ROBODRILL’s impressive capabilities, reaffirming FANUC’s commitment to innovation and providing cutting-edge solutions that address the evolving demands of the manufacturing industry. The interview provided valuable insights into how the new ROBODRILL can streamline processes and enhance productivity in the machine shop.

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