Small machine to big machine? They’ve gone the other way around!
Direct Engineering in Chesterfield is using some fascinating machines to make a diverse range of components…
DGF Engineering have just bought another Dugard! And it’s smaller than the Dugard machines they’ve installed before. Tom Skubala of MTDCNC meets Liam Fernard of DGF Engineering to find out what makes the compact Dugard 550 an excellent investment for the subcontract machine shop. As part of their broad machining portfolio, DGF Engineering sometimes work on small components using a variety of materials. Fitted with a mist extraction system, the sturdy Dugard 550 saves floor space and handles aluminium and stainless steel extremely well with its powerful 10,000 RPM spindle – making it the perfect machine for cutting all day long. Hear more from Liam on Dugard’s exceptional service and quick installation that ensures minimal downtime for customers!
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