ANCA最新技術のご紹介:JIMTOF 2024で50周年を祝福
ANCAは今年50周年を迎え、JIMTOF 2024で最新の技術を披露します。注目の展示品には、新機種FX7 Ultraをはじめ、ユーザー目線で設計されたToolroom RN35、そして進化したAIMS Connectシステムが含まれています。これらの革新技術は、ハードウェアとソフトウェアを統合し
Tom Skubala of MTDCNC talks to Simon Richardson of ANCA about the GCX Linear, a machine used for the production and regrinding of skiving cutters. Extremely accurate with the ability to drastically reduce cycle times, the GCX Linear offers an accuracy of no less than a micron and is highly suited to the automotive industry which requires gears and skiving application technology. The GCX Linear package includes ANCA’s integrated measuring technology to ensure that skiving tools and the teeth of the tools are perfectly accurate. If you’re looking to produce gears with shorter cycle times, get in touch with ANCA.
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