Marubeni Citizen-Cincom Unveils the BNA-42SY5 Lathe at PMTS 2025, Enabling Continuous and Lights-Out Operation!
Marubeni Citizen-Cincom Inc. is redefining precision automation by introducing the BNA-42SY5 lathe at PMTS 2025. Designed…
Great importance has been placed on tool and mold making at DMG MORI for more than 50 years, which on the one hand has resulted in the representative customer base and on the other has given rise and continues to give rise to path-breaking technology solutions. Customers in the DMG MORI Die & Mold Excellence Centers in Pfronten und Iga benefit from this know-how. Local experts design individual manufacturing solutions here with integral process chain specifically for the small batch sizes that are common in tool and mold making.
Complex components, high demands on precision and the required productivity are crucial factors which determine tool and mold making across all industries – from packaging and medical engineering up to automotive engineering. At the same time, experts at the DMG MORI Die & Mold Excellence Center are faced with the challenge to realize economical manufacturing solutions for ever new applications. This close cooperation with customers already starts during very early project phases from the first draft up to implementation of the process including programming, automation, process monitoring and quality control.
Optimum manufacturing technology for every application
The heart of the respective manufacturing solution are the machine tools used from DMG MORI. The wide portfolio of machining centers and turning machines provides an excellent range in this area for the DMG MORI Die & Mold Excellence Center. While the portal and gantry series is successfully used in the production of large components, the DMU 60 eVo linear, the DMU 85 monoBLOCK and the DMU 90 P duoBLOCK for example impress for tool components and mold making. The fact that DMG MORI successfully covers the entire process in tool and mold making is demonstrated not least by the LASERTEC Shape series for economical surface structuring of the molds, but also the additive machines LASERTEC 30 SLM 2nd Generation and LASERTEC 65 3D hybrid. For example, the hybrid machines can combine materials of different thermal conductivity or hardness, thus optimizing cycle times or resistance to wear.
The comprehensive process orientation, standardization methods and automation solutions – for example with regard to pallet handling with the new driverless PH-AGV 50 (Automated Guided Vehicle), which will be demonstrated at the EMO on a DMU 65 monoBLOCK – result in an improved competitive edge for our customers. Combined with the high performance of the DMG MORI products, our customers can often achieve up to 6,500 spindle hours per year, depending on the machine. Users increasingly use the machines for complete machining as well. In automated systems, this results in an increased planning flexibility and process chains that can be standardized more easily. By using technology cycles, safety requests as well as machine tunings adapted to the production process are implemented in the manufacturing process in order to further reduce the throughput times of components. It is these agile manufacturing solutions which will make a significant difference in future with additive and surface-defining technologies due to the combination of traditional manufacturing technologies, if companies intend to work in a differentiated way in tool and mold making and be competitive.
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