Free e-learning training available from Dormer Pramet

Dormer Pramet is offering free e-learnings on a wide variety of machining tools to provide expert knowledge and wisdom to customers world-wide.

Group Milling

The global tool manufacturer currently has five training modules available to cover the topics of General Machining and Drilling. These courses are now available in English as well as at 10 other languages, all for no cost.

Trainees that complete these courses are also invited to download a personalized certificate of completion to show their progress through each of the courses.

As part of the Dormer Pramet global milling campaign, a third e-learning on the Pramet indexable milling products is available starting 28 August.

Along with these courses, Dormer Pramet is working on releasing additional free e-learning courses to coincide with their annual product launches. Sharing knowledge on tools, machining, and safe operation is part of the Dormer Pramet focus on putting the customer first.

More information can be found at the Knowledge tab at

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