How can this one software offer so much efficiency for their business?
OPEN MIND’s hyperMILL is helping KS Composites get the most out of their machines! What makes…
How does hyperMILL ensure top notch algorithms fit to customer expectations? On MTDCNC’s Technical Corner, Rowan Easter-Robinson asks Joshua Harper of OPEN MIND about the hyperMILL and hyperCAD-S functionality that ensures the right parts every time. Direct interfacing maintains the integrity of original files and allows users to retain the quality of models upon import, meaning there’s no need to go through a separate translation process. Josh highlights the addition of CAD specific tools developed around helping programmers get the results they need from the quality of the program. Easy CAD tool selection ensures high quality Class A surfacing, critical for industries like automotive. OPEN MIND develops functionalities that are easy to use and help to get the model from the customer and onto the machine as quick as possible. The Compare and Merge interface for interchanging surfaces ensures that only the tool paths affected by the change need to be reprogrammed, allowing faster turnaround for model revisions. A system designed easy from the ground up, you don’t need to be a CAD expert to achieve those special surfaces and direct modelling functions.
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