Maximiza la precisión y eficiencia en tus procesos de electroerosión con ONA IRIS T10 de doble cabezal
Si estás buscando una herramienta de electroerosión de alta precisión y rendimiento para piezas de gran…
Colin Griffiths is here to ask Richard Whiles some key questions about the world’s biggest wire EDM machine. What features, benefits, and savings can you get from this latest heavy-duty machine from the ONA AV range? Because of its ability to simultaneously control up to 8 axes, you can get some real complex components on here. The machine offers a user-friendly intuitive control, full touch screen, and a powerful 3D graphics engine to allow you to see what’s actually going on inside the massive tank. The ONA AV 130 is environmentally friendly, requires minimum maintenance, and can set you up for autonomous running! Watch the video to hear Richard’s take on power consumption, how to achieve a 50% reduction in cycle times with this beast of a machine.
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