Moving Matford To A New Level

Lyndsey from MTDCNC visits Matford Engineering in Walsall to talk about their investment in DMG MORI machines. Co-owner Andrew Langford tells Lyndsey they went for DMG MORI machines because both him & his business partner Tim had used their machines in the past so were already sold on the quality of the equipment. Matford, a general subcontractor producing pins, shafts & bushes from many different materials currently have 3 DMG MORI machines in operation with 2 more on order. The DMG MORI machines are now producing parts in one operation as opposed to 4 and allowing for lights out running helping Matford to win new business as well as wining back old business they had lost. All this is helping them to turnover over £1 million for the first time. Matford have an excellent relationship with DMG MORI and have used their flexible finance packages to fund the purchase of the machine, and have also purchased a 24 month service package to help spread the servicing costs. Think DMG MORI are out of your price league? You might need to think again.

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