Detailed Specification

 VERICUT Auto-Diff TM compares a CAD design model to a VERICUT simulation to automatically detect differences, design weaknesses or mistakes in the design. With Auto-Diff, anyone involved in the manufacturing process can identify an incorrectly processed job.


From design to finished part, the design will be handled by different people, departments, companies, and CAD/CAM systems. In the end, it is difficult to verify whether the NC program accurately reflects the original model. Without AUTO-DIFF, the only way to be sure is to cut the part and carry out an initial sample inspection.

By comparing the simulated model with the original model using AUTO-DIFF, you can see if the NC program really matches the constructed original model. This reduces the time it takes to cut the first production-worthy part.

AUTO-DIFF also reduces the time it takes to prepare an NC tool path. Programmers check for gouges or excess material while working on the program. Problems are then identified and corrected before machining.

Solid Comparisons

Solid or surface models from most popular CAD/CAM systems can be used. The design model is compared to the simulated machined part to identify gouges and excess material. AUTO-DIFF also enables you to compare the cut model with another VERICUT simulated model. This function is useful for comparing different operations such as roughing cuts and finishing cuts.

Surface Comparisons

A surface, a set of surfaces or the skin of a solid model can be compared with the simulated part. The surface is placed over the simulated part, and gouges and excess material are displayed. In this way it is possible to quickly compare large data sets of very complex tool paths. The design model does not need to be flawless, nor does the entire part need to be included.

Point Comparisons

When solid or surface model data does not exist, 3D points can be used for comparison. The points are overlaid on top of the simulated part and inspection points from CMM or manual methods are compared to the NC tool path to accurately detect errors or out-of-tolerance conditions.

Constant Gouge Checking

AUTO-DIFF performs constant gouge checking during material removal simulations. It is not necessary to simulate the entire NC program before checking for gouges. With constant gouge checking, VERICUT enables you to identify and correct the problem immediately as it occurs.

Previous cutting operations can be ‘protected” from any further machining. Any material removed from a protected area is highlighted and reported as an error. Design models, rough stock, errors, and cuts are all assigned user-defined colours to help identify gouges, collisions, or excess material.


AUTO-DIFF generates a comprehensive error report including information such as type of error, tolerance value, all tool path records out of tolerance, error location, and summary of AUTO-DIFF results. The report can be sent to a printer or saved as a text file. Reports and graphics can be generated interactively or in batch mode.

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